Tuesday 2 July 2019

Dr. Off

Dr Nicholas Off sauntered to the lectern, behind him his face filled three massive screens and I could see him enjoying the moment, even exaggerating his acknowledgement of the audience.
To me, he looked more like a puffer fish in a lab coat that he had outgrown and it was easy to assume he lived alone. A rumble went through the audience as a junior military man carried a white wombat toward the doctor. He passed him the wombat’s lead, it edged to the front of the lectern and chewed something green. I surmised this was the famous Alby and probably, Dr Off’s only friend.
After a boring preamble Dr Off clapped his hands and introduced Private Dennis Dane, one of his staff who helped him develop this exciting project that was about to revolutionise both the labour force and warfare.
I looked at the royal blue suit worn by the unlucky private, it was similar to the one Dad had built me, a prototype and I was guessing complete with the glitches that had made my life horrid when I wore it for any length of time. I wanted to override the suit with my controller, have him do the Macarena without music, that should spice the meeting up, but I resisted.
Off began his demonstration, ‘designed originally to help patients with central nervous system disorders the QBS suit has unbridled opportunity for the modern military combatants.’ Applause from the generals encouraged him. ‘For the purpose of today’s presentation have a sample on show and, Private Dane, has volunteered to demonstrate the unit for us.’
A medium sized SUV was driven onto the stage, Dane bent down and using both hands rolled the vehicle onto its side. Walking to the other side he rolled the car back onto its wheels. The crowd was warming to the action and begged for more.
‘Dennis, the driver is trapped in there,’ Off shouted, ‘you must get her out.’
‘Sir.’ With that Private Dane ripped the door from its hinges helping the driver to her feet.
‘Ms Sandra Strange,’ Off was smiling in the way of all evil, ‘another one of my junior assistants.’ The applause rose again.
It was too much, using a couple of my devices I hacked into the sound system and hijacked it. The Macarena was in the play list so now it was time to party. I pressed play and left the auditorium wishing I’d learnt to Samba.

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The look on Off’s face was priceless as I turned for one last look at the shambles I’d created with from his presentation. I reached for ...